Acacia confusa Seed


SKU: N/A Category:


Germination tested 7/2019

%90+ successfully germinated



Scientific Name:  Acacia Confusa

Common names:  Formosan Koa, acacia petit, Formosa, mimosa, Taiwan acacia

Traditional Names:  boiffuring, shoshigi, sosigi, sosugi (Guam); Pilampwoia (Micronesia); serepa, soschghi (Northern Mariana Islands); ianángi, yanangi (Palau)

Traditional Uses:    Soil/water conservation and nitrogen fixer

Wood used for building structures or to make charcoal

Bark used for treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery as well as internal bleeding

Bark used in tea as flavor enhancer

Used as a wash to treat burns, wounds and haemorrhoids

Hardiness Zone(s):  USDA Zone 10 – 11

Height:  12 – 18 m (20’ – 40’)

Water Requirements:  Moist to dry/well drained soil

Sun Exposure:  Full sun

Form:  Perennial Shrub/Tree

Toxicity:  Consuming seeds may cause neurological damage, paralysis or death

Additional information

Seed Count

100 Seeds, 1000 Seeds, 20 Seeds


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